April 30, 2021


Nathan Croke

Rapid Design Process

In an ideal world, all large projects would have correspondingly lengthy lead times, but as we all know, the world often dictates a different set of circumstances!

The selection of drawings above gives an insight to the design process for the Newcastle 500, an annual Supercar motor racing event held at the Newcastle Street Racing Circuit in November, first held in 2017.

From red-pen concept to FIA drawings to civils to overlay drawings and finally to a live event in just 15 months

This was a huge effort by everyone involved, showing iEDM’s capability to deliver premium experiences in a manner best described as light-speed!

Challenges like these demand expertise, seamlessly integrated teamwork across multiple contractors, and absolute, uncompromising precision, in order to deliver on the vision.

Often, the more spectacular the location, the greater the challenge involved, but the visuals here speak for themselves, showing that locations like the Newcastle Street Circuit truly are worth the extra effort!

And though it sounds like a cliché, it’s so true: the biggest challenges enable us to produce the best outcomes.

Keep ‘em coming!

Check out the case study here for more information 

By Nathan Croke, Senior Designer.


Nathan Croke